I hurt myself today
to see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
the only thing that's
Reality what a pun, what a joke, your know what is real the pain that builds and burns its way through one’s
mind every minute I’m away from you. Every minute I can’t be with you. I need you but you can’t see that,
you only see yourself. You think of only you. What can I do? What can I say that will make you see me the way I am? The way
I watch you must unnerve you sometimes. I see you looking at me your brow furrowed as you study me trying to figure me out.
But you can’t can you my dear, my little darling one. You copy my every move, my every look but you won’t
take me, you won’t become one with me. You idolize me yet you won’t have me. Every bit of me, you’ll look,
act, hell even talk like me but you won’t have me. My heart my Soul, you can’t have it because that would destroy
what you are. Your you, you’re the jackass everybody loves to hate.
You’re exactly where you want to be.
You have Money, you have power you have fame, you have family and friends and everybody loves you. But not in the way I do
my darling, not in the way I was made to love you.
the needle tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away
but I remember everything
Ah, my Darling how you don’t know what you have done to me, you’ve stolen my heart and you hold
it locked with in your skin, tattooed there with jet black ink. My heart is your heart, it sits where all can see it but none
understand it. You are the breath of life that keeps me going lets me watch you, let me be with you.
But its not enough
I need to be with you, in you a part of you. You belong to me and I crave you, I crave you like a Vampire craves blood, and
I wish to suck you dry. But then I would loose you my darling, and I can’t have that now can I?
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
Did you know the real reason behind why she left me darling, because I obsessed over you. And that when I
knew no one else could ever hold my heart. She left because of you because of you she couldn’t hold my heart as you
do. She tried lord knows she did but in the end she failed I couldn’t love her the way I love you.
I couldn’t
have her the way I wanted you. It wasn’t right, I knew it and I think in a way you knew it as well. You, your perfect
you never could fuck up in my eyes. Ah, but you cling to that safety net you call morality, you deny your feelings yet I see
them when you look at me.
Ah how I wish my darling to just dive into your eyes and drown there forever. I could drown
in you forever. I could be with you forever.
you could have it all
my empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
Why my darling do you deny me, why do you continue to pretend what we feel doesn’t exist I don’t
understand it, your breaking me inside and it hurts. You cling to my heart and won’t let go, you draining me my darling,
and soon I shall let slip this mortal coil in which my soul clings.
Soon I will leave you and you shall never know
what I felt for you for you deny it. Deny me. I love you so much, but you forbid it, you look angry when I mention it. You
scream and throw things and tell me I’m wrong that there is no Love. That its all in my head, my sick and twisted head.
You’ve hurt me, you’ve let me down my darling, but soon you will see how sick and twisted love can make
one become. Oh yes, you will see soon enough my darling because soon you will be forever mine.
I wear my crown
of shit
on my liar's chair
full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Oh my darling, my soul my love Broken beyond repair don’t you see now how you have hurt me, how we have
to be....we have to be together, we belong you and I. Watch now my love it only takes a moment the blood with mingle and we
will forever be as one.
You call my crazy, you call me insane, you say I’ve lost my mind. Perhaps my dear one,
Perhaps I have but I know now your mine forever. Oh yes my dear darling soul mate...mine to be forever more.
beneath the stain of time
the feeling disappears
you are someone else
I am still right here
what have I become?
my sweetest friend everyone I know
goes away in the end
Where are you going my love, you look so scared and distant, your lips are such a lovely shade, there turning
blue. Should I let you go, should I let you be, no I can’t let you go. I offered my all to you, you forbid it my darling
one. And soon you will go away my sweetheart, my love my life my sanity.
You belong to me, and I to you, don’t
you see. We have our hearts on our wrists, your’s is mine and mine is yours. Your fading my darling, is the world growing
dark for you. Don’t worry I am here my sweet, I won’t leave you. I love you my sweet, my darling little jackass.
Don’t fight...this is for our own good.
you could have it all
my empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
You cry my love, I know it hurts, but you brought this on yourself. You shouldn’t of turned me away,
because I can’t be with out you, we belong you hold me forever. This is it my dear one. Soon you will be gone and soon
I will follow you. Don’t worry my love, you won’t be alone for long.
What is it my love? What are you
asking me. I’m sorry I can’t ever let you go, you’ll be mine forever. Please forgive me love, as
your heart stills, as your eyes grow distant. Your leaving me, but soon enough will be together. Oh yes soon enough...I love
you my darling little one...I love you......
if I could start again
a million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way