By iluvbam1610
Chapter 27
Ryan knocked on the pink door with rainbows,butterflies, and other designs on it.He saw
the wooden letters Lindsay nailed to the door.
He slowly opened the door and looked inside.She was sitting in the middle of her room watching
She turned around at the sound of her door opening.Her face lit up when she saw who it was.
"Daddy!" the little girl yelled.
Her face broke into a big smile.She jumped up and ran towards him.
He bent down and opened up his arms to give her a hug.He had a big smile on his face.
She ran into his arms.
"Hi Daddy!", she greetedhim.
"Hey Lin." Ryan called her,giving her a big hug.
"Where's mommy?" Lindsay asked curiously looking around for her mother.
"She's not here right now.She's at home." he told her trying with all hismight to hold back the
"Okay." she told him."Is she coming here later?"
"I'd say no,but I have a big feeling she will..."