Bam Fanfiction & More!!

Bet Ya Didn't See That Coming;Chapter 1


Bet Ya Didn't See This Coming....
By Jackass101

Chapter 1

Why was this happening?
What did I do to deserve this? Nothing.
Thats what. Why wasn't I there?
If only I bugged him once more,
he'd still be holding my heart...

Tears hit my notebook as I slapped the book shut. Why did you take him, god? My love. Gone forever. My one true person, the guy who actually cared, was gone. What was I know? A worthless peice of life. "Jessica?" I jumped.

"Yeah?" my door open. My best friend, Raab, was standing there. He stepped in all the way. "What are you doing?" he asked, as if it wasn't ouvious enough.

"Raab, can you just leave me alone for a bit?" I was frustrated with him already. His eyes softened, like my words I just spoke really hurt him.

"Okay," he whispered softly, before slipping to the other end of the door once more. I rolled over onto my side and sighed. More tears fell down my cheeks and hit the fabric of the bed sheets on my matress. My beloved Ville was gone.

I'd known him since I was a teen, probably a pre-teen. He was my protection, the person that kept me safe when things got bad. Like now.

Oh, if only he were here, he would hold me and tell me everything would be alright.

Instead, I was alone. Always alone. Forever and ever. My heart felt black. My soul was black. Everything turned black with one little phone call that should have never come.

A couple hours earlier...

*Ring, Ring*

Bam jumped up from the table to answere, "Hello? Oh my god, is he alright? Oh lord," I look over at him as the last sentence hit my ears, "Thank you."

He hung up the phone. He turned to face me, after a shakey sigh. His blue eyes were watery and crystal. "Bammy, what happened?" I asked, standing.

"Ville..." his voice cracked. My heart dropped into my stomche. Something was wrong, Bam never cried. "What happened?" I asked, in whisper tone. He looked me in the eyes and stated, "he was in a car accident...h-he didn't make it," he broke out in tears.

My mouth was partly open as tears escaped my eyes. I took a couple steps back. "No, your lying.... Your lying!" I yelled. He shook his head 'no' and took a step forward.

"Get away fro me!" I escaped to my room and sobbed into my pillow.

Now, no one spoke about it. Everyone was either to shocked or just had nothing to say. Bam and the crew went to the hospital, I decided to stay. I couldn't see him like that.

My protection had been destroyed.

I sighed once more and sat up. I wiped my nose with the back of my hand and stood. I walked silently to the personal bathroom we had shared. I now had to use my other protection. A box cutter.

Bet Ya Didn't See This Coming

Suicide Fanfiction

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