Bam Fanfiction & More!!

Sami;Chapter 13

By ecks/wtflol

Chapter 13

"She's perfectly fine." Bam said as he got back to Ape and Phil.

"Good." Phil said.

As he said that, a doctor walked pass rooom 205 and opened the door.

"Oh, my God! What the hell?" he said as he ran farther into the room.

"Oh, no. What happened?" Ape said, running towards the open door.

"She...or someone...pulled the plug!"

"Bam? You said she was okay!"

"She was talking to me when I was in there." he said, tears starting to fall down his cheek.

"Doctor, is she-" Phil asked.

"Yes, she's gone." Bam dropped to his knees and started bawling.

"Why would she do that?"

"Baby, you know Sami.She loves you but she had to do what was best for her." Ape said.

"I know, I know. It's just know."

"Yep, I know. Come here, Bam. Cry your eyes out."

Bam crawled over to his loving mother and buried his head deep in her shoulder.

The funeral was 5 days later.Everyone was sad.

"I can't belive this...I just can't." Dico said as he walked up to the coffin.

"She was the coolest girl. I swear." Dunn said.

"I miss you, baby." Bam said, stroking her long, brown hair.

When it was time to say the last words, Ryan said,

"Sami...Sami was the nicest girl Bam has ever had as a girlfriend.She never cheated, never lied.I'll miss that, a lot." he said and he walked off the platform crying.

Next, Rake stood up and said,

"When I met Sami I knew she was gonna be the best of the best pranksters ever.And she was.I'll miss the pranks we pulled on Ape and Jess.Good times," he turned to look behind him and said,"well, Sami...good bye."

It was Ryan's turn when Rake got back up and said, "any girls out there that are single, dial 496-7000 and you'll get me, okay?"

"Awww, Rake!" was the answer.

When Rake was done, Dunn stood up and said his words.

"What is there to say?She was a great friend of mine. Well, Sami," he said looking up to the sky, "we miss you."

Last but not least it was Bam's turn.

"I loved her so much.Everyone out there, you may have known Sami as a friend or family member but she was all of that to me.She was my girlfriend.The really sad thing is that...well, I bought her this," he held up a diamond ring, "when she got out of the hospital,I was gonna propose...I still want to give it to her."

He slipped the ring on her finger.

"I love you, Sami."

He stepped off the podium and went back to his seat. He cried in his brother's arm.

They buried her in a grave yard with her ansestors. And Bam never saw her again.

When they got home, Bam rushed into his room and opened up his diary where he saw one of the weirdest days of his life.

"Bam, come in here." Sami said as she looked in the bathroom mirror.

He came in and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"What's up, baby?"

"Bam, I'm so ugly. Why did you choose me?"

"What? You're not ugly!"

"I should just kill myself so people don't have to look at me."

"Don't say that."

"I should though."

*end flashback*

Bam turned the page of his diary and wrote,

The first time I saw you
I thought that I would just make another

But then I realized that in life
you were just another mirror

The first words you spoke
were the ones that I vaguely remember

But tied in a knot
are the times that we haven't spent together.

He started crying cause of the thought of Sami.He closed the book and went to sleep, hoping to write more later.


Romance Fanfiction